There are many kinds of information that you can find widely available about the benefits of the use of cannabis. Consequently, there is a lot of governments as well as people all over the world are together trying to make the use of cannabis to be legal. The legalization of cannabis has become a popular and intense topic among the nominees of the president right before the United States presidential election which will take place in the year 2020. Presently, the use of cannabis is not yet legal in the United States on the federal level however, there are some developments about the use of it in the United States where there has been a total of 33 states which have legalized medical marijuana and there are also a total of 11 states which have agreed to legalized what is known as the adult-use cannabis as well as the legalized recreational marijuana.
Recently, the question which is popular among the people is that will New Mexico become the next state which is going to take action to legalize recreational marijuana? In the year of 2007, New Mexico was the 12th state in the US that took the action to legalize medical marijuana and at the same time, it also has made it legal to possess marijuana in a small quantity for purpose of personal use. However, New Mexico has not yet officially legalized the use of recreational marijuana currently. The House of Representatives of the state has managed to order a bill to legalize the use of recreational cannabis, but the Senate has successfully halted the bill. This leads to the Governor of the state to form a group to legalize the use of recreational cannabis. This group has presented their recommendations for the lawmakers of the state to make a development in the process of legalizing the cannabis at the time where the next legislative session is going to be held.
The recommendations provided by the group include a lot of broad topics such as the rate of tax, the requirements for testing, as well as the role of the local government. A standard rate of 17% in tax was recommended by the group and they also recommend having a licensing at the state level for the possession of marijuana. Apart from that, they also recommend the local government to use the money collected from taxes to give some money for the medical cannabis program in New Mexico.
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